i think saurus wiuth gw would be to much, hellbards at the most...
im rather bussy at wor:pompus:k, bu ill try to get a few games under the belt with this, I agree with you that practice is the only way to see...
yes yes i agree with you absolutely on that, i just think that there should be some diference whtether you miscast with a 4 or a 5... because you...
2-4 Centre the 5" template on the caster. Each model under takes a hit with strength equal to PDU+2 (no armour saves allowed). The caster may...
hmmm the new miscast table is interesting, i like it, except i dont know why would anyone use 4 dice anymore since the risk is same as using 5...
@The Sauric Ace the problem is nobody knows until enough play test games are done, and only the bige communities can effectively achieve that for...
i like the idea of separate deamons, and weaker demon princes, the number 25 restriction on elite units and 2 characters max is a dethstar...
@The Sauric Ace thats the thing the ETC crowd should be informed on all armies and the most popular metas, since a lot of tounaments were played...
we would also have to look at what happened to other armies, because every armys power is relative (it needs to be compared to others to realy...
lets wait until it is translated properly, it would be weird if they nerfed units like kroxigors...our army book changes are dependant on brb...
why not do both, make a suggestion for 8.1 and for 9 and send them both...
@Pinktaco I think you summed it up nice, just on the order of cannons, perhaps they should have the d6 on the spot where they hit, not when the...
deathstars (or solo insane units like the deamon prince)/ op magic/ miscasts are like a paper/scisors/rock system, every one of them has a...
I would definitly twick cannons, so that they dont hit both rider and monster but instead randomize like normal shooting (its totaly ridicilous as...
I played just a couple both with my lizzardmen and ogres, and even on a friendly list lvl (14 tin value I think), were just a tad off from what I...
I guess they'll give us the beta version and then invite people to give their feedback in correcting army specifics... I think we could have a...
they said that the first alfa version will go up beggining of august... I think that edging out some overly nasty spells and units, and buffing...
eithere they or the community WILL do a comp, or a points system, wthout it the game is unplayable, why? well first of all i dont know all other...
I'we seen enough batle reports to say that i dont like it, to simplistic, to say its fun or that there is some chalenge about it.... the reason i...
I second this opinion. :)