I have 2 questions, but first of all GRAT JOB fellow saurian, you are trully a loremaster. ;) 1. What is this treachery that Lileath did witch...
if the slann is to much of an auto-include choice, all gw had to do is give it an alternative - a lvl 3, or 4 skink priest for low points, that...
How does the space marine make an apperance?
what about point distribution and rare/special/core requiriments?
The idea of a colonization of a new planet sounds great, but i doubt that gw will do that because they would have to invent the whole new world, a...
off-topic where can i find the fluff which contains the story about the city witch contains the supposed space ship??? im itrigued :D
I think this is the most plausable scenario....
As I have gethered from various rumors it goes like this - krog gar is beseged by deamons and is asking for reinforcments...just as the...
Mazdamundis command to me sounds like the things the mayans pulled in the real world, where thay just dissapeared from their temple cities because...
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a few posts up a was arguing on the possible benefits of using the signature lore so yea you would have that one from the get go. i doubt that...
but if there general is not within 12 inches therw leadership is 4 because you target the specific model right? (since they are a combat army i...
flying skink + spirit lich seems a nice way to kill a hellcanon, you have a 5+ advantage atleast
in my opinion the searing doom magnified version becomes youre ultimate spell, the one they have to counter because it can kill there skull...
what do you think would be a better lore against WoC - loremaster high magic, or the signature lore? the plus side of the signature one, is that...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! COMPLETE is there a look out sir against arcane unforging?
does this mean u killed 2 ironguts a 1 wound on the 3rd, or you killed 1 iron gut and u wounded 3 of them?
are the tg cheaper or in any way more viable or powerfull then before?
also in a non-tournament enviroment this would be pretty lame....im still hopping we get our own lore, themed in lizardmen/old ones fluff....
i know that battlefield terrain should be 48 inches long, but how wide should it be? 60 or 72?