Ulthuan is atlantis, not Britain, and empire is the classic holly roman (german) empire.
thank you
if a wizzard suffers a miscast that causes him to become lvl 0, does he stop being a wizzard at all? can he lets say use a equiped dispell sroll...
when u use the alone slann do you buy hum the flying item or u just use his movement?
the shield of aeons abbility, how does it work when he is in a unit, do all cavalry models that are in bace contact with him have to make a...
Hello fellow lizardmen, my roommate is thinking about starting a VC army (hes completely new to warhammer in general), he needs advice so im...
you could try using a power scroll and throwing a lot of dice at a protection spell like phas protection or flesh to stone first turn hoping for...
well the chance of a skink wounding a steam tank is about 2,77%(you need to roll a 6, and he needs to role a 1 to fail armor save), which is...
except that hydras and throlls have regeneration and stanks have high armor..... :(
Our armies have great versatility fighting a lot of things, the things that I see as troublemakers are big guys such as 2 Hydras, Steam thanks,...
if it's a lone enemy mage you can keep your slann center-field an throw skinks on the sidees of the table to engage it if he tries to evade your...
well you should have at least 14-16 chameleon skinks, and atleast 20 more skrimishers, and a couple to ad to the salamander packs as aditional...
pretty much very nice purchase, the things you must have are salamanders, 2 atleast, maybe a bit more skinks....
only an opponent that doesn't want to use those dice to cast some important spells for himself, wich raises the question wheteeher do you really...
what's the point of taking lore of life and cube of darkness, won't it shut down al your remain in play spells? and life has alot of them, ant...
you should put up an army list which you played, it sounds quite extraordinary....
thou rolfgars explenation seems sound, and that's something that would be logical to do, I have not found any refference... :rolleyes:
I have a question concerning how to these really work: it says that an remains in play spell can be dispelled whenever you want during the magic...
well the way I see it on a life slann it has o soul purpose of killing the enemy mage in case of miscasts...
hmmm seems people have different understanding how this exactly works....