Great, thanks so much.
Great thanks, I would never have thought you used Dryad Bark! I don't see any brown in there at all!
Can I ask how you got that lovely grey colour on the scales that you've used for the Trog and Carno?
I don't have more pictures unfortunately, I found this image online. I'm looking for the colour scheme of the Carnosaurs scales, the red into...
Hi all, I just wondered if anyone can help with the colours and technique used to create the below effect on the Carnosaur. I love scheme and...
How would you buff them if I was using 6 rippers?
Great thanks Crowsfoot, helpful as always! I'll report back after my next game.
Hi all, I'm still a new player. I played my first 2k game at the weekend however my friend is much more experienced than me. Lets just say it...
Well I played a game last weekend against IronJawz and he wiped out half my 2k army in turn 1 before I even had a go. So I think it's time I got...
Oh wow, thanks for the reply. I bought a Kroak recently and am yet to use him. Can't wait to try him out this weekend then!
Hey guys, I've never played Kroak before. So say I cast Celestial Deliverance, then get the second roll successful, then the third. Does that...
Hmm, I think you're right in hindsight. I was looking at it again this morning and I think I'm going to drop the firelance, go with two 5 units of...
Hi guys, I've been building up my units and am playing a final 1.0 game next week against IronJawz. I'm still relatively new to this so could do...
I made a bit of an error move recently as I'm new to the hobby/game. A friend of mine who has well painted models recommended I get a black primer...
great, thanks for the advice.
I'm loving this list! Have you had a chance to use it yet?
Hi gus, I'm slowly building my army up and am still a bit of a noob. So far I own the following: 48 x Skinks 12 x Warriors 20 x Knights 1 x...
great, thanks.
My friend and I have been debating about the Oldblood on Carnosaur command ability 'Ancient Warlord'. He seems to think (and could be correct!...
Wow thanks Crowsfoot! That's extremely helpful. I'll let you know how I get on. Hoping to get started over this weekend assembling them.