Im redoing my Lizardmen, and thought i would share my progress with you guys. Im Repainting old minis and some newly aquired ones and the updates...
6 Stegadons aint no joke! :D Was thinking about trying the first list out next week BUT change the BSB to the Slann and make the scarvet a cowboy...
Haha yes sure, its fairly standard, but without the core of saurus i can now fit in more toys.. And the question was wich of the two list is...
So with the new rules of end times out, you can now go "unbound" if you like. With that said, two lists comes to mind, using the models i have....
Cheers dude apreciate it!
Thanks for all the help! Very helpful :D. If i remove the scarvet and oldblood, i can instead make a scarvet cowboy and add a ancient stegadon,...
Less drops, but now i feel every unit is seriously dangerous. I decided to keep the lone skink, changed his gear, he may not have a good save...
Thanks man! Will poke around the list and get back with a updates one, great tips!
Changed the list up a bit for more utility and options on the table, and more fun for both players ;) Thought this would work as a all comers...
Re: 2400 please review, new improved(?) list added at the bo Thank you! So you think the list looks alright overall? I meen would ut fair well...
Re: 2400 please review :) Re-wrote the list and it now looks like this, tell me what you guys think :). Lizardmen 2400. LORDS: 400 Slann...
Re: 2400 please review :) Everything makes alot of sense, thanks again! Will post a revised list :)
Re: 2400 please review :) Thank you for the informativ post, very helpful! Just a few things! #1) I choose the Amulet because of protection...
Hello long time no see! Its getting time to field my lizardmen for the first time ever and could use some pointers about my the list circuling...
Turning to the awesome people of Lustria online once again and hoping for some advice. So im still Trying to figure out how to make my 1200 Point...
yes my bad, thanks for pointing this out =)
Great Advice guys, realy apreciate it! Going for lore of Light by the sound of it, not sure about keeping the slann solo without any gear, i like...
Awesome, im Sold :D. Thanks alot for that fast and helpful reply!
Hello! I have a problem hehe, i want to play some lizardmen now and with the models i have painted im finding it hard to make a list. The real...
Yea my bad Vamp Teddy, wont be going for the carnosaur anytime soon anyway, However i might do something like this for starters. LIZARDMEN: 1500...