Some things: stand and shoot infinite range infantry and warmachine same size flanks 1+, 2+ if 2 ranks (both flanks can give bonus) rear 2+, 3+... its out!
Interesting Mabye we should have this blog link on our forums?
Great initiative taco! I actually helped 9th age with getting the lizardmen book into their "ravening hordes" format. So they will need new names,...
Nerfing cannons is tricky, reading through the discussion on the forums makes me even more unsure of what we actually want to nerf. I agree, that...
They have to rename most things because of copyright, so you will probably see new names for most things.
Honestly I dont see how they could have cleaned up monsters, there are so many of them and the difference between them is huge. This allows...
The attributes are like bonus spells that you can cast after the main spell is done. Also keep in mind the death attribute isn't focused (no sniping).
Why is there so much drama behind just High Elves? Is it because of the big player base?
Mabye he should have called it highelfhammer :rolleyes:
My opinion on Lizardmen AB: Kroq-Gar: Carnosaurs are just not that good. Lord Mazdamundi: You want him inside a Temple Guard unit not on a worse...
I played against my dark elf friend (2.5k) and also did 2 1k games against OnG and WoC. Wandering deliberations felt worse with the lose of spirit...
I remember my high elf friend doing this aswell, he killed 30 saurus, 15 TG and a slann (didnt know about look out sir against templates).
Do you have access to alot of different models? Generally the best way to deal with steam tanks/demis/knights is to use lore of metal....
I started playing warhammer a few years ago, and still I learn new things about the rules/lizardmen. To play correct is hard in a world of vague...
Mabye you could fit tetto in there (if you have the model), vanguard is nice for carnos.
haha, sounds like my WoC friends reaction to the new marks.
What is the optimal way to shoot with the salamander. What range and from which side?
Its because skinks are much more usefull since redirectors are really really good. I still run 30 saurus with H&S, but pretty much every game i...
Cold one riders are more viable now since they actually have +2 str on charge, great! I think handweapon and shield needed a buff, alot of the...