Nice. I thought Death was 5 dice in 2012? Have you seen this? I'll wait till you finish until I...
I'm a supporter of ETC comp but the current draft is quite flawed particularly in the...
I'm not convinced I will want to be taking Saurus characters at all.
Karak Zorn. This link has some stuff to say The dwarf book implies that the Lizards and...
No the Disc gives no ward. The most common combo i think will be: Exhalted Hero – BSB, Third Eye of Tzeentch, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of...
In almost all cases all the skinks are looking for are for poisons which blowpipe are equal or better at in every case (except standing and...
Always take units of 10 with blowpipes. The potential 20 shots is much better than 6+/6+ save. There are a lot of descriptions of redirection...
For comparison here is what I like: 17-18 in my MSU list Lore of Light list othewise 24 HW Saurus I never take Spear Saurus 16 Temple Guard (Life...
What if Salamanders were true Breath Weapons? One shot per game at point blank range or 2D6 hits in combat.
His mount has the Flying Cavalry rule so is Fast Cav by himself. I wouldn't recommend hunting warmachines with any kind of Terradon though....
Some opponents have such disregard for maneuverability in this edition that they fail to take cavalry, flyers or redirectors at all instead...
If I picked best Lore without thinking about which army it is for it would be shadow hands down. Unfortunately the spells don't work well for...
? So you get between 3-9 power dice with the highest roll giving 1-6 dispel? I would suggest a priest (lv 2 + plaque of tepok if you can squeeze...
Now that would be interesting... Would probably warrant an increase the cost of skinks to 10, but it they would have a threat range of 24" :jawdrop:
Ultimate cheese at 500 points would be skinks + terradons command by a cheap skink priest. Unless you play on smaller than a 3x3 board you should...
Template weapons can't be aimed into combat, but they can hit people in combat. Moving 2" from something and firing 'at' it, really intending to...
EoTG almost always survives better in a challenge and can't engage units that have S4 except in exceptional circumstances (even lowly empire...
Exactly right.
Thanks Strewart :)
"Sorry but you are not permitted to use the search system." This is what I have been seeing recently when I click on the "view active topics"...