Units of 5 Chameleon skinks and units of 3 Terradons are both fantastic harassers. Remember that unless the opponent is frenzied or undead...
Earthblood can only be cast on the casters own unit, so no regenerating STanks. However STanks can be healed with Lifebloom and Regrowth. Metal...
I agree with Strewart, an Ancient Stegadon is the easiest to slot into a standard list. As they are Monsters all Stegadons have the Thunderstomp...
True they aren't immune to poison, but you would need approximately 6 times the skinks to kill a STank as you would say a giant.
An Ancient Steg might cripple it if you get the charge, but you will probably lose the Steg. Shadow, Metal and Death magic can easily take it out,...
Should I go with Spears or hand weapons on my 24 Saurus? I like hand weapons. Cheaper + better save > more attacks in very specific circumstances...
In my area I commonly see geckos, skinks, blue tongued lizards and Australian water dragons. Twice I have seen a Goanna. Geckos and skinks are...
Also; skinks.
Not so, it would affect a Dwarf with the Master Rune of Flight! However yes, I can't think of any other case in which the buff can apply to thrown...
Its not, I was making a point.
Abusive and illegal are not the same thing. Teclis supported by a Banner of Sorcery is legal. A unit of 40 Chaos Chosen with all the bells and...
I always thought this was one of the more naughty magic items (along with the Pidgeon Plucker's Pendant, alluding to Pheasant Pluckers...)....
If you're in combat what troops that are worse than you, you want to be as wide as possible (6 against 5 wide 20mm, 7 against 5 wide 25mm). If in...
Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie! Oi Oi Oi! Shame they took the Wallabies instead of the Reds :P Queenslander! I just hope the Irish lose a pool match the...
This biggest maker or breaker for player new to magic is IMO knowing when to throw all your dice. For example: If you roll a 4 and a 1 on the...
This only works if the shot hits a monstrous infantry/beast/cavalry/monster. So a Scar Vet wouldn't stop the dudes behind biting it (unless on a...
No you right. BRB pg 50 agrees. This means the Fencer's Blades probably aren't worth it in what case he is only hit on 5+ by opponents with WS8 or...
Cold One Shield Dawnstone Glittering Scales Is your build. EDIT: Yes I agree this is the toughest build. For being such a kill joy I'll post...
Huh. Didn't remember that Great Reach FAQ. Probably has something to do with never taking SKrox and butchering the skinks when playing against...
However pg53 of the Lizardmen Army Book says it counted as being in base contact with the enemy and so can attack and be attacked. ?? So? What is...