You should choose the Lore in the list in 8th edition. It can be viewed as rude/list tailoring otherwise. For 1 point you gain 33% more attacks...
After dropping rocks they are best used as a redirector. Unless you can charge in and assassinate a wizard or hold up/kill a warmachine/missile...
IMO its because a lot of people are stupid, haven't analysed to facts or aren't intending to be 100% competative. Skinks and Krox are terrible...
What Lore is the Slann? Spears aren't worth it. Why more tha 5 skinks in each unit?
I'd describe it more as house 'customs' than house rules. Basically its 'don't be a dick' and make the game fun but there are a few things that...
Also, its just plain more fun (from the gamesmanship perpective). A TG deathstar can make for a game where your only possible strategy is the roll...
Of course both can worth. I'm a Lone Slann man though. I find the TG can shoehorn you into Lore of Life Deathstar style of play. I'm into a more...
They really are fantastic. For only a few hundred points they let us break all the rules for deployment and leapfrog the normal 2 turn stand off...
Mordheim rules are up at Specialist Games....
Combos that in some match ups let you win in the army selection phase are bad for the game. 60 Phoenix Guard that are immune to magic. 3 or more...
Terradons are great, there will almost always be a central wood you can Vanguard into and have -2 to be hit. Drop Rocks is gold on Glade Guard....
A few things I have heard about (have not convinced anyone to change yet) that can balance this: 1. While a double 6 is still a Miscast, you need...
The ward save only works against attacks you have higher initiative than (ranged attacks have initiative infinity).
I've thought of this before and here was my theory hammer conclusion: I never...
If there is space for you to clip, you clip. Otherwise the charge doesn't happen.
I Dwarfs and Elves can be trusted allies, like hell Lizardmen can't also be trusted allies. I think this makes sense. If Lizardmen are completely...
IMO double Cygor or double Jabberslythe is alot better than one of each. Rare is the only slot O&G can get anything good in combat that isn't...
The first shot is very unflattering for the model. It looks like a pregnant cow. But so pretty...
Every time I have mentioned abusing the Hatred rules to make people redirect, ignore me. The Hatred rules were changed. None of the Dark Elf...