Re: How to fight the really huge Beasties (Monstorous Arcanu Carnosaurs seem like they should be a good option. Str7 D3 Multiple wound attacks.
You're looking for the Dragon Isles. They're to the south east on this map:...
On Saurus block sizes: I don't go anywhere without at least 24 in a 6x4 formation. I've been experimenting with 25/w spears in a 5x5 formation and...
Classic Carnosaur! To get him to butt up against units I raised him up. It gave him a great king of the jungle posture. Once I had him all painted...
Well the Old Ones did go genocidal on many species that didn't fit their plans. Zoats and Fomorians come to mind.
I like using my Skink Priest as a redirector as well once he's made use of his scroll/cube. They never expect you to throw him under the bus! The...
Generally I like to use my stegs as a supporting charge for my infantry. The Multiple wounds is mostly a threat - unless it turns out very handy....
How many Skavenslaves would that be at full price?
I'd take just one carnosaur. My big fear with my monsters is getting bogged down by ethereals they can't hurt, so a Scar Vet on Carnosaur with a...
I never leave home without one and another monster. Mind you, the old Steg is the model that got me into Lizardmen. I've got a baby(old metal) and...
Dragons at one were the greatest creatures in all the world before the coming of the Old Ones. I would imagine they could be found on any...
It looks like a rat. Large back haunches, big head, the size of the tail and general posture. It's a scaled furless rat....
My Ancient Stegadon! Complete with blowpipes, speckled skin, and a Skink Chief/Tank Commander that I'm rather proud of. Apologies for not being...
Your monsters are safest in combat, so it's not necessarily a bad thing for them to get stuck in there for a round or two.
I'd agree with that as well. Since so many things happen simultaneously at the start of combat, you can choose the order. Thus you could issue the...
Your sculpts are grand. I prefer the green fellow - he's actually blending into his surroundings.
Scribor has some good ruins that would suit.,shop.php?group=82
They're also good anti-characters. Even just chucking a Scar vet with mundane gear - light armour and a great weapon - into a block of Saurus....
At low points they should do great! I'd take em without spears and send them at the biggest block of light infantry I could find then grind my way...
I played a 1500pt game last week with a Carnosaur and a lvl 1, nekkid. It was great fun! My Scar Vet got plunked off by a Gobbo Bolt Thrower, but...