[ATTACH] Finished another warband that's been sitting around for a while.
Tonight's workload. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The complete warband. (It's 1005 points in Warcry, in case you want to know... ) [ATTACH] And my mostly...
[ATTACH] Final results for Hrothgorm's Mantrappers. [ATTACH] These guys have been done for a while, but I finally painted the base rims. And...
Finally got some more paint time in. [ATTACH] First half, should get the rest done tonight. [ATTACH] I've had this guy sitting around for a...
West End had a lot of good games back In the day, both D6 and Masterbook. Star Wars, Paranoia, Torg, Ghostbusters, Men in Black, Bloodshadows,...
Ahh. RPGs. One of my all time favorite hobbies. Where do I even begin... I really started playing when I get to college, first with the D6 Star...
Finally finished a couple more Underworlds Warbands. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[Eyeroll] I'm having flashbacks to the constant reloading in the original X-Com. Do a turn, save, reload after the Etheral takes over your...
Short answer, no. This is not the time or place to get into politics or the details of it, but I don't see any point where the draft gets used...
[ATTACH] Jumped over to do a couple Shattered Dominion objectives.
[ATTACH] Had a couple nights to get some orks done.
I'll post my list later, but Indid want to respond to something. The game will be 28mm square bases. They promised the square bases in their...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got started on a couple projects today. I finished building and primed 5 old pistoleers I had lying around. I also built and...
I'm not convinced that they will set the game after the End Times. There is plenty of space to create games and campaigns without having to...
Definitely. Of course, I can claim I never left as I still have at least three fantasy armies I can run that I never rebased. I have enough that I...
I'm very excited about this. Take my money already, GW! That being said, here are my thoughts. I think it's going to be a slow rollout,...
My personal favorite along these lines is when someone in the store asks of they can help me. "Do you have a PhD in Psychotherapy?"
[ATTACH] Quick paint job tonight. I wanted to get him off my plate, as I have a couple other projects to jump over to.
Welcome! Things have changed a bit since you were last in. In particular, the GW paint range and styles have completely changed. One thing to look...