[ATTACH] The other half of the box with the dryad was this satyr. I hope to use him as a Bodach for Oathmark.
[ATTACH] D&D dryad, painted to give me a break from other projects, but I will probably also use her as an elf spellcaster for Oathmark.
Here is a one off project, mostly for fun, but could be used as an elf spellcaster for Oathmark. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Had a little more time so I built a Brute, painted a vampire to lead the foot knight, s and put a little bit of paint on a Genestealer Cult...
[ATTACH] Painted up a unit leader or character for the foot knights.
[ATTACH] Five 'ardboys done.
[ATTACH] Finished the five 'ardboys from the Warcry box. Started building one of the five brutes. I also built a sanctus for my Genestealer Cult.
I put basecoats on the other four Orruk 'Ard Boyz.
I technically have one model from the old chaos dwarf range. It's a hobgoblin big boss on a wolf I bought somewhere around '04 that I've used in...
Finally finished a unit of Revenant Linebreakers for Oathmark, except for three that need two-handed weapons that I don't have. (I need another...
I had more time, so I painted a couple things. [ATTACH] My unit of foot knights is complete, except for the three sets of arms I don't have yet....
I took a quick break from the foot knights to build five Ardboys to start my Orruk Warclans project for the year.
I ran down to my FLGS and spent some Christmas money to buy Direchasm, the Ironjawz Warcry box, and a couple other things. I also based the Perry...
Worked some more on my Perry Foot Knights. I have all but three of them finished, although I have a couple that need their arms adjusted to fit...
Worked on my Perry Miniatures foot Knights that I'm turning into vampires. I'm almost done with the bodies, I just need to prime the arms. I'm...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] The beginnings of the Dwarf contingent for my Oathmark army. I'm probably going to run a combination of humans and dwarves.
[ATTACH] Finally getting around to taking and posting this picture. I finished them a few days ago, but have been pretty busy and unable to...
If I can remember, I'll post here when they announce the crowdfunding campaign.
Looks like an interesting game! I wish I had time to do more with it. Some of those minis would be nice for Torg: Eternity as well. Also, not to...
I got a copy of Battletome: Orruk Warclans under the tree. I will probably end up starting the army from scratch as most of what I have is still...