Having been a dumb private at one point, this hits far too close home. I'm glad I'm passed this days. I like to think I have some idea what I'm...
Finished my Wurmspat.
I completed two models today. First, a D&D gnoll that will serve as a Wulver for Oathmark. Three more are on the painting table. Second, Fecula...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Two models completed today. The first of the Wyrmspat for Underworlds and my first wulver for Oathmark.
The Oathmark Dwarves are lovely models. I'm getting a box for Christmas and plan to add them to my kingdom.
Yesterday, I primed a bunch of stuff that I'd been working on building off and on. Today, I started work on the Wyrmspat.
Yesterday, I got a little bit of painting in, mostly working on one of the figures for the Eyes of the Nine. I also picked up the Wyrmspat for a...
"Now seating Donner, party of 8." "Now seating Donner, party of 7..."
I glued the heads on the Knights. Now I just need to find time to cut their Lance's and arms off the sprue, then glue them on. Maybe I'll have...
I don't know squat about no space dwarves... Actually, I have two in my collection. They tend to serve in my Brood Brothers or Neophyte Hybrid...
Put the armor on 8 more knights, clipped about 4 knight bodies off the sprue. I'll do heads and arms for them next, then get them painted.
I don't know what you're talking about. That's the grog bowl at our last dining in.
In this case, I was introducing him to a new game as opposed to introducing the hobby. He is one of my old WHFB opponents, as well as a number of...
Over the last couple days, I got my Perry Knight horses partially built and a couple of the knights. I also started work on painting the foot...
I might want a few of those myself.
Do you have any options for bases or movement trays?
[ATTACH] Test paint scheme for the Blood Knights.
Good evening, all. I had a couple hours of hobbying tonight and finished the three foot knights I was testing weapons on and a paint scheme test...
[ATTACH] 10 Brettonian archers finished. I'm going to use them for AoS Cities of Sigmar and Oathmark.
Last night (and a little bit today because I forgot a small part), I finished my 10 archers. I also worked on some basing, terrain, arms for my...