I think dwarves will be part of my next hobby project. I asked for Oathmark dwarf infantry for Christmas, so I'm hoping I get some.
I got a little more hobby in today. I put sand on two 50x50 mm bases for two ballistae I bought and painted a while back. I also put watered-down...
[ATTACH] More work on my archers. I'm done with six and have four more almost done. This will give me a total of 20 painted with ten more in the...
I got a lot of hobbying in today. This morning, I finally got a trip in to my FLGS. While they still didn't have the Space Marine codex I've been...
Here are the results of last night's painting. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I know I got quite a few 2nd ed. books through a Humble Bundle a couple years back. 4th ed. can be bought in Drivethru RPG, 2nd ed possibly as well.
Last night, I finished painting up two Deep Cuts werewolves that ended up not working for what I wanted them for. I also finished one and...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Here is the picture of last night's work and the full unit. Now I just need to get another couple boxes...
[ATTACH] Pictures from last night's work.
Thank you. The giant is a Reaper Bones model. The wolfriders are from the Oathmark range from Northstar Miniatures. I've really been impressed by...
Finished up the Frostgrave Knights I've been working on. I hope to have pictures to post on my paintlog tomorrow.
[ATTACH] Here is a better picture of last night's work. I'm hoping to get more done on the other five tonight.
[ATTACH] First five of ten (and probably twenty when I get a second box) Frostgrave Knights to use as Human Linebreakers in an Oathmark army.
Finished the first five Frostgrave knights. I will probably use them as a unit of linebreakers for Oathmark, and possibly for Basileans for Kings...
Built a box most of a box of Frostgrave knights and got the first five mostly done.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Final pictures for the box of Oathmark wolfriders I bought and for my second giant. I still need to base them and...
Put finishing touches on my wolfriders. Pictures are up on my paint log.
Finished up my goblin wolf riders and the second giant last night. I will post pictures on my paintlog when I have a chance to take some.
I had a bunch of time yesterday, so I tried to get some work done on a couple older projects. I finished the second 5 Oathmark wolfriders, went...
I actually have a box of 5 sitting in my closet from when I considered the same conversion.