Put a little bit of paint on three different warbands while watching the World Series.
I built the other warband and put primer on both.
Built the Stormcast warband from Warhammer Underworlds: Dreadfane (the Barnes and Noble exclusive Underworlds game.) I'm hoping to get the other...
I used to work at a hospital where they used that combination on one of the doors. (I think it was where we dumped the trash?) I laughed quietly...
Heh. Speaking of jokes I'm no longer allowed to tell... Ok. You talked me into it. How can you tell when there is a party at Michael Jackson's...
Put some paint on a couple more Underworlds warbands. Finished one model for the Eyes of the Nine, got fairly far on another, and finished up a...
Got most of the rest of the work done on my shoota nob and finished up Mollog and his squigs for Warhammer Underworlds.
Thank you! [ATTACH] I got to a 90% solution on the shoota nob today, although I need to finish his back banner, and got the above Underworlds...
[ATTACH] Finished 19 shoota boyz for my ork waagh, which is my Kroosade force. I still need to finish the job, but otherwise the unit is done....
Put finishing touches the last five ork shoots boys in my squad of 20. Now I just need to finish the job and the unit will be done. Picture on my...
It's fun. I've been working on getting him to play for a while.
I got a my last five shoota boyz almost finished. I still have a little work to do, but they're mostly done. I have another game Sunday with my...
And now I need to work out what changes I need to make to the list.
First game against my nephew yesterday. It was a bloodbath in both sides, though I had more standing at the end of the day.
I finally decided on doing Orks for my Crusade force against my nephew. So I spent last night painting some more boyz and rebased a few more...
Last night, I finished building the last Nightvault warband I had, Ylthari's Guardians, and put some work in on an Ork Trukk. I primed all four...
Did some building tonight. I got Mollog and his pets finished, then built all of Zarbag's Gits. I hope to paint them soon, as well as keep working...
Amateurs. Cal Tech did this back in the 1961. Except, they didn't dress up as the other teams prep squad, but altered the instruction sheets that...
I was hoping for their Salamander corsairs, but I'm sure those will come later. It's too good a fit for the game.
Between last night and today, I built Thundr Profiteers. I'll probably prime them soon, but want to get at least two more of the Nightvault...