Basecoated and drybrushed more AoS and 40k terrain. Finished up the last couple models for my Godsworn Hunt, started work on the Eyes of the Nine,...
During a family outing to Barnes and Noble, I picked up StormVault, then built the six Stormcast Eternal heroes. (Why does this game make me want...
I got work done on a bunch of random stuff tonight.[ATTACH]Three Tyranid or GSC objective markers. [ATTACH] Also got some terrain test schemes done.
Finally got some hobby time tonight. I put some work in on several different projects. Five more Perry Knight bodies finished, just need to do the...
I haven't done anything with Frostgrave in a while, although I enjoyed the couple games I played. Oathmark is a lot of fun. It has a very...
Reminds me of a story I heard many years ago about a kid who was robbing a bank, but got nervous. He walked in, pulled a gun, and said, "ok, you...
Frostgrave: Second Edition releases tomorrow. Also, the first Oathmark expansion comes out.
Hmm. I've mostly been working on terrain. Some 40k for the new edition, some AoS for a Cities of Sigmar army I've been working on for ever. I'm...
Yesterday I went over to Hobby Lobby and bought a new bottle of Charcoal grey paint for my buildings. I was running low. I also primed my Warcry...
[ATTACH] Update: I tried the paint the underside method mentioned above and it worked. I also put more work into my second ruined building. This...
Today I got more work done on terrain. I finished half of the second ruined building and started on the second half. I also clipped out the rest...
Tyranids are a fun army. I started 40k with a 'nid army in 3rd edition and still have one, although I don't play it nearly enough these days. In...
Thank you! I will try that when I have some time. Padre
I posted them on my painting blog, but here is the completed building. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Final picture of the finished ruined building. Overall, I think it turned out ok, although I'm not happy with the way the...
Had some hobby time last night and this morning. Finished my first 40k building and got most of the work done on a second. I need to dry brush the...
Built the last three Primarus Marines from the 8th ed. Starter Set last night.
"No, seriously! Back in my day, we had to torture robots to get online. I can still hear the sound of their screams in my ears. You kids don't...
I got more done on my ruined building. There is a WIP picture on my blog. I also started repainting 5 termagaunts that have been sitting around...
[ATTACH] Terrain for 40k, using the old (4th ed.?] ruined building template.