Arizona actually isn't that bad 8 months of the year. From about mid-May to mid-September, it's miserably hot. The rest of the year, it's...
Got two more Poxwalkers done last night, drybrushed all 6 remaining Plague Marines, and built the three new ones I bought the other day. I also...
[Laughs in Arizona.]
Went by the GW store on my way home tonight and bought the push-fit Plague Marine box and one of paints and tools boxes. (Replacing some paints,...
You know, back in my day, it meant something when an athlete took a knee.
Thank you! I mostly did these with Contrast, washes, and a couple layer paints.
Got more painting time in last night. I touched up the basecoat on the Plague Marines, brushed wraithbone over 15 poxwalkers, and completed four...
Last night, I glued together the last three Plague Marine characters and some Chosen from the 7th. Ed. boxset.
The military still uses this. Without Covid, even the Reserves would exercise like that every month. And now back to your regularly scheduled...
[ATTACH] This guy has been mostly done for a while, but I finally put the finishing touches on him.
Last night I got the Plague Marine finished and the first poxwalker. Then finished five Oathmark wolfriders. Pictures are on my blog.
[ATTACH] Also got five wolfriders completed. All the wolves are done, as well.
[ATTACH] First Plague Marine and poxwalker.
I have several pots of older paint kicking around. I know I have several pots of bilious green and leprous brown somewhere as those were the...
I was going to recommend the Oathmark goblins as well. I haven't bought any yet, but I did pick up the wolf rider box and have really enjoyed...
Had a couple minutes this morning, so put the first layer on the first of my Death Guard, testing a paint scheme. And put a couple finishing...
[ATTACH] Building Death Guard today, part of my long term Chaos Space Marine project.
So, yeah. I ended up getting a bunch of hobby time today. I built the rest of the Death Guard from Dark Imperium and an extra 20 poxwalkers.
Finally getting around to building my Dark Imperium set. I'm hoping to get most of the Chaos built today, but we'll see.
I got some painting time in last night. I finished basing a Deep Cuts catapult for use in Oathmark. I painted a Perry Brother's Agincourt Foot...