Halloween: "I'm too sexy for my kids, too sexy for my kids..."
I have no experience with zenithal prim9ng, but I've been using contrast quite a bit. First, I will note that Black Templar over black primer...
[ATTACH] I painted up a Free Cities sorceress for my AoS Free Cities army. Now I need some Darkshards to go with her.
There are days I wonder if the Banylon Bee is now our paper of record and not satire. #butisitsatire
I think I saw this at the beginning of Blade...
The print rules are available from Osprey in the UK, but you can by them on Kindle for under $15 US.
Has anyone looked at tried Oathmark yet? There aren't any lizardmen in the game yet, but after reading the book and a couple test games, it...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Oathmark Wolfriders (still working on the riders), and a catapult from the Deep Cuts range, for use in whatever game I...
Right up to the point that the wasp stings the spider, paralyzes it, then lays its eggs inside it so that its babies can get their first few meals...
I love this idea. I took a couple hours and got a piece done. I'll probably make more, it's easy to do and goes fairly quick. [ATTACH]
A tiny pin vise and pinning with a paperclip might work. I used to do that on old metal models.
During Prohibition, the cops caught a priest running bootleg hooch. As they opened up the trunk and found the bottles, they asked him what was in...
I'm mortally opposed to the interspecies relationships. I played the original game where aliens were only bad guys and it remains one of my...
As someone who played (and still plays) the original X-Com, I find the entire idea behind this disturbing.
[ATTACH] And here is the Carnosaur.
[ATTACH] Got work done on a Saurus Oldblood. He's at about 95% done. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And got a Freeguild Griffin finished. The rider is next....
Ok, I'll list a couple. Fortune and Glory A game set in the 1930s where you race other explorers and/or Nazis or the mob for artifacts. Basically...
I'm an American. We celebrate treason all the time. You might say it's in our dna. "We must all hang together, or we shall all most assuredly hang...
[ATTACH] Last models for this trip, and probably for a while. I got a lot done over the two weeks, though.