I'm actually in the process of converting up a Skink warband to use as the Splintered Fang, using the old Tehenhauin model as the leader (I mean,...
Order: Besides Seraphon, it'd be Cities of Sigmar; I have this idea of making a Tempest's Eye army of Steam Tank battleline backed by a Kharadron...
Well, I started with a Start Collecting box and followed the guide that was so amazingly put up here to get more bang out of it, then got another...
Thanks for your insight, everyone. I guess I'll just have to take the time and money to pad out my collection. That's some marketing strategy xD....
I'm pretty new to the tabletop game, so my collection of models is pretty limited. Is it possible to make a competitive list without relying on...
I'll definitely be prioritizing his Bloodsecrator and Slaughterpriests with the Ripperdactyls. Thanks for the advice, it helps a ton!
I like the idea on the Stegadon. my brother runs a group of 40 Bloodreavers, and the Sunfire throwers would do an amazing job winnowing them down...
That's the kind of thing I've been seeing for 1000 points, and I really like the idea of it, but I'm worried about how I would deal with going...
Or at least as feasible as I can get it. We typically play 1000 - 1500 point games, and I'm trying to see if it's possible to do a Skink army...