Alright just curious if I am the only one who noticed this. But is anyone else annoyed that every big monster gw releases, has its mouth open...
from foot to head (not including bases) they are between 34-38 mm somewhere around there
Honestly I don't know, because I have neither of the actually gw models. My Krox are reaper models. But I can measure them sometime in the near...
Right on LOL
I've used lizarmen in Mordheim before, one thing you should definatly do is drop the blowpipes the are useless in mordheim. Also I think I'd give...
Sounds fun, hopefully I get to play some games before then.
Thanks again
After that I have a few Stegadons to build and a bunch of salamanders, I really hope I'm able to finish the unit for this, I have a bunch of gs...
Will have to wait till the contest is done :)
This is going to be my log for my lizardman army, hopefully before the beginning of August I will have these guys fully modded and painted for...
Spears are one handed, you can use a shield but don't get the parry Halberds are 2 handed so you can't use them with a shield in cc, but you can...
Did you get my pm about this stewart?
Yep, I see that now, however you would roll your charge distance at the same time pg.23. So I was wrong on the reactions, but right on the...
Nope that was a 7th edition rule, doesn't work that way anymore in 8th
Also if there was any viable units you could have redirected the charge to one of them.
((Thanks for the congrats guys! Sorry, I haven't posted in a bit, the baby is taking up lots of time and also I am now working two jobs for a few...
I'll wait to vote til I see #9
Oh I didn't think you'd mind but I can remove it, if it upsets you. If that is the case I do apologize. For the tails I was thinking of taking a...
So I got ten converted so far, well mostly, I still need to green stuff some holes and add on tails but they are mostly modded. The 10 [attach]...