YA that's how I play it
Sounds great, I think it'd be good for inspiration
The paining looks great, however if you want the pics to turn out better, take the picture on a white sheet of paper with a white background, it...
((Sorry for the long Delay guys, my Boy was born on May 13th after over 40 hours of labor and a c section, there was a bit of a recovery period,...
Your Scar Vet now seems more vulnerable to me, remeber even on the cold-one he can join the saurus warriors they have the same footprint, You just...
No the img one does not work, and the reason is so that bots can't post porn on our site.
If that's the case defiantly go with the first list, looks pretty solid to me.
Just curious what opponents you will plan to fight? I prefer the first list, I'll show you mine for the same sort of thin as you will be playing....
((no worries))
Question how did so many ogres have Killing Blow? Only 1 hero or lord can get a weapon with killing blow
((No no secret door, there are two statues in the room as well as another door, like the one you all came through.))
Ilok put the rods together and instantly know what the pulse he felt was, magic. The staff makes you more in-tuned to the winds of magic....
Hauruc found that the rods fit together rather easily, however when the last was connected a jolt shot through the rod, causing him to drop it....
I think it looks awesome, just what I had imagined thanks for that.
Just 6 to wound
Does your group play with special characters?
It'll help if you know what they have in their armies. Are you making one list to play against all of them or a list for each. As well, what...
Wow that's nuts, I've never had a problem with him.
GW doesn't have any pictures of the back of the model, so I wouldn't be able to photoshop the back. Not sure if I'll be adding scales I kinda...
Just wanted to show you guys what I plan on converting, want to warn you though I haven't made anything yet, just threw this together quick in...