((I've waited more than long enough, I'm continuing now)) As Huaroc moves forward suddenly he feels a tug on his scaley leg, instantly he...
((sorry for the hold up still waiting on a reply))
((still needing a few more rolls))
((can I get everyone to roll a single d6 for me please))
Huaroc scouts ahead returning to tell the others that, going through the left path has lead to another junction going left to right. He also noted...
[attach] Again all on Xlcontiqu
Don't have any pics of a yellow kroxigor but I'd base it off of a yellow croc if I was you, here are some examples: [attach] [attach] [attach]
The group moved through the tunnels, they smelt of a faint, and very natural dirt odor; however the rotted stench of the zombies still lingered....
The caves where eerily silent now the only sounds the lizards could hear was their own breathing. The coldness however stayed with them, something...
((where is everyone on this last post?))
Right on thanks
hmm okay, how big are the squares then?
Question about large creatures in blood bowl, do they occupy 4 squares or just one? If they do occupy multiple squares do they threaten all the...
I bet all on Xlcontiqu
The two remaining zombies fumbled on oddly trying to stand again, however the lack of bodily control forced them to just squirm around, and fall...
Looking to start a league of people that don't have the upgraded blood bowl (not the legendary one) if enyone is interested let me know.
((right on LOL))
((Just killed the one right asrodrig?))