Iloks blast managed to destroy three of the seven remaining zombies, leaving 4 standing
Seven zombies remained, unaware that their companions where decimated they continued their assault. Two swarmed on Ilok, one bit clawed and bit...
[attach] forgot to post this Just noticed a weird trend First 3 on the left died, the one on the right, then 3 on the left, then last on the right -_-
((missing one post, then we can move forward.))
((Sorry hunted no +3 magic, you only get some back on a blue post)) Six of the zombies burst the energy inside of them dissipating into the caves...
As the group waited the smell of rotted flesh wafts into the cave before anything can be seen, then slowly through the fog shambling figures edge...
As the group moved into the now illuminated tunnels, they could hear movement coming from behind them, it sounded like the shuffling of dozens of...
[attach] Man, really surprised to be beat out so fast....but oh well.
The sun was scarce but the little that came through felt nice. The group took turns resting till what little of the sun could no longer be seen....
Should be good then, can't see it being to out of balance
That`s a tough one, best thing is to test how balanced it is both ways. I can see it being a bit much if they strike first, reroll misses and get...
((oh geez I hadn't even seen this for some reason it never showed in new posts.)) Huroc was healed with more ease than Ilok had imagined as the...
Two skeletons where left after the lizardmen's quick counter attacks. The first attacked the terradon rider and nearly struck Hexec but the...
(4 died all together from your magic)
A thick fog began to form around the camp, blurring the eyes of the skinks inside the camp. Although the chameleon skink was on guard as well he...
(JohnMavrick not sure if you got my pm can you send me a d6 roll please, I got your error pm)
Hexec took to the sky, he flew around for hours before his terradon grew tired and needed a rest, he perched it on the highest tree he could find,...
The group continued on towards the vampire coats, as they did it grew darker and more foreboding. They also began to notice the vegetation...
The skink takes the egg, and passes it to two of the others. Then looks at the saurus as he begins to follow. He tilts his head and speaks....
The skinks in the party notice the rustle of the bushes and turn quickly in defence. To thier suprise a group of five skinks emerge and move...