((which two friends did you pick up? There are the two falling lizards and the two hanging lizards, I'll make it 3 points for the bond, 1 point to...
The group flew off the cliff, the skinks all managed to grab hold of vines and hold on, Xap grabbed hold but the branch snapped causing him to...
Got my guy built for the next round :)
Ya I was hoping to win, both were good builds. Good luck against the orc.
Dang was hoping to make it to the top but oh well
Your's or mine? :)
((just waiting till I get all PM's or Friday))
Wow, just got home, lots of lizard survivors. Seems like it will be Lizard vs Lizard :( Only one will survive though ;) Actually I'm quite...
As the group rallied themselves, there was a sudden creak in the ground, followed by a thundering snap. Suddenly the ground collapsed and the...
Thanks guys glad you like it
There all fixed up
Not sure who will win. But I do have this If you want a different pic pm it to me. [attach]
The statue crumbles, crashing into the stone ground with a massive thud. The group could hear the ground crack underneath them. The energy from...
I believe both only work in close combat, don't have my books in front of me but I'm pretty sure. But yes it would be -2, so if they would...
((Was waiting on Zap's post but looks like that's not gonna happen.)) The beast looked worn from the damage inflicted upon it, it stone body...
I'm in Character name: Geir-Koa Character type (i.e., Prince, Scar-Veteran): Old blood Army (i.e., Dark Elves, Skaven): Lizardmen
(missing a couple of people's posts will pm them.)
Very expensive I only have 5