Wow, I disapeared from this forumn for awhile didn't I? Glad to see that when i introduced the marking system, it stuck! And it appears I got the...
well, after watching naruto (still doing that) elfen lied, higurashi and its predecessor, Shakugan no shana, code geass and macross frontier, I...
I think you should get a shield on your BSB aswell as swapping the other scar vets bane head for an enchanted shield (to get the points from his...
At first you were the only assassin..but after you got caught in turn 2 I had to do SOMETHING :P
Re: Fast lizardmen armylist !!!!! Looks pretty good to me! But with saurus' speed your army is likely to split in two. Therefore, I recommend...
Edit: New list! Oldblood on Carnosaur, burning blade, enchanted shield, glyph necklace and la-430 Skink priest on Eotg lvl 2, diadem and...
Theyre pretty beastly cc wise now... I've played a normal list so far and my coc and vet (1500 pts so had bblade) murdered 29 monks, a priest...2...
He does, hence the burnin blade on oldblood. Also, if I remove 1 terradon I can get 16 skinks and 2 kroxigors in that unit
Thanks for the coments.... Oldblood on Carnosaur, burning blade, enchanted shield, glyph necklace and la-430 Skink priest on Eotg lvl 2, diadem...
Ok, something Ive realized while playing skaven, and then my advantage of being able to run circles around tombkings....maneouverability and speed...
Suddenly gors lept out around the corner and arrows flew down from the rooftops. WIthin a few seconds, everyone was dead, save for 1 (assassin,...
Slowly but surely the warriors made their way into the brocken city. They were in an allyway when they heard telltale grunts
Celtic slowly snuck off and climbed into a tree, there he saw what was going on... ------ Over the city wall, it appeared that half of ostagar...
After a solemn ceremony for the dead (or atleast...the non traitorous dead) the company packed up and continued towards the city of ostagar......
Id better see more posts soon or a huge amout of gors and minotaurs are going to beat the **** out of you all :P!
Stopping by a cliff, the survivors stopped and turned..... With vicious intent, The Soldiers lept upon hellbreaker. The Hunted and Celtic...
The soldiers move out from their hilltop position towards the fire in the distance. They are slow and cautious and so when night falls decide to...
ummm I would much rather have the saurus scar veteran thank you very much, especially since once you give him burning blade, enchanted shield, and...
anyone that wants to join better say so soon!
(hahaha! survivors? Only if someone else randomly wants to start playing...but since there being added in game, you might end up with more...