Celtic stood on the hill looking out to the forest where the hunters were, all seemed quiet...too quiet... Suddenly off in the distance black...
"DIE FOUL CREATURE!" The screaming gor is suddenly pierced through the heart by strewarts 2 handed sword. Yanking the blade up and out of the...
A gor lunges for the general, who seems to be simply watching the battle, deep in his own thoughts. Dreadgrass bravely blocks the blow with his...
( OOC:yes, consider yourself a janitor and start mopping :P)
Forced into a corner, bryanabbo screams for help, two gors attacking, one's weapons battering against his shield as he was forced to block the...
As the gors charge in, Seargent Deadgrass shoots an oncoming one in the face with his pistol before moving off to fight another gore near general...
20 gors burst out of the forest and started rushing for the hill... (ooc: Well, I was planning on you running away...but LETS HAVE A SKIRMISH!...
After a slow and solemn ceremony, with Hellbreaker putting Eternity Warden to rest with the blessing of sigmar, the warriors stood on top of the...
With General Strewarts wise suggestion the warriors began to built tents out of branches they had cut down earlier. Hellbreaker tends to the...
Suddenly a warrior, covered in blood staggered out of the forest, collapsing by the fire, he was almost unable to move because of the exhaustion...
Of course you can join hunted! Itll get convos running! (and stew, this is the ooc thread....and I meant ABSTAIN if your not going to vote lol!)
Well, If no majority is reached then tommorow will be the turn update...if a majority IS reached then today will be.... So reach a majority :P
Ya. I dont know why farenheit is still used, canada uses celsius and the metric system, but america seems to defy them....
(OOC: Just like last times, last minute entries are aloud until the second turn :P...so yes con is in!)
Lucky for you. However, I like snow, and will therefore forever remain in the icy land of canada :P (atleast....5 months of the year is cold and...
OOC: your allowed to rank yourselves and say your carrying certain equipement...im not harsh on fluff... Oh, that goes for everyone except...
game thread is up! Happy hunting!
The survivors sat on the logs by the fire, throwing accusations at each other about todays happenings. General Strewart broke out `SILENCE! Those...
Sooo i think we have 9. Game starts tommorow but keep the last minute entries coming!
A very good point, someone should post a thread detailing the pros and cons of the eotg....its so expensive, but i currently dont have the models...