So, we have 6 people, im aiming for atleast ten..... STEP RIGHT UP FOLKS!
I think thats a good change, ill edit it in
1.5k list Saurus scar vet, light armour, enchanted shield, burning blade of chotec-138 pts Eotg priest, lvl 2 diadem and scroll-440 15 saurus,...
After a fairly successful (with such low member numbers) game of sv, Im going to run a second one (but Ill be keeping the fluff away from you...
Switch the one saurus unit's hand weapons into spears, since you can choose which 1 to use every combat anyways
Unfortunately, terradons and salamanders are practically useless with REACTIVATABLE stormbanners (Hopes to god this gets faqued)
Slaan, cupped hands, focus rumination, focus of mystery BSB-war banner Scar-Vet with cold one, shield of mirrored pool, light armour, BB chotec...
Every time warden said a cc weapon it was a mark, and everytime Stew said a ranged weapon it was a one noticed?
meh, work, school, hockey and life itself were killing if majority IS reached...its too late to change your mind :P
As Eternity warden watched hellbreaker cut crimson tide into tiny bits, a manicacal laugh erupted from his throat. The Elf took his spear and...
(since its been 2 weeks...) The sun was slowly (very slowly) descending into the horizon. And the sailors retired to their cabins. They hardly...
WHY CANT CANADIANS EVER WIN ANYTHING!! I mean we are like goody two shoes. We have less crime rates then most...and WE NEVER TICK OFF ANYONE!...
"Every 5 (or so) actual rl days there is an update, representing the loss of time, weather someone is voted or not" A deep, booming voice ripped...
The sailors retired to their rooms on the ship once more, letting the darkness envelope them.... In the morning, they saw the corpse of Kroxigor1...
Nice story...check out mine :D
I would split the skink skirmies into units of 10 to maximise maneouverability
Weakness to the furnace! When it gets below 10 models pushing it, they lose 1 movement on the unit. Example: 9 models left-4 8-3 7-2 6-1 at 5...
Welcome to the jungle! Weve got fun and games...
You are aware that in 7th ed there are no generations right
And I almost litterally mean all. Daemons, DE, HIgh Elf, Tk, Orcs, and Skaven! lords and heroes!! Slaan mage priest Tekti- Focused rumination,...