Ussually a +1 (warbanner) and with my Revered_Guardian having sword of the hornet to not allow as many attacks against me incase im charged :D
10 of them have a kill count of 28 plaguemonks, and the only reason they stopped their was Warplightning.. in another game, 10 black orcs, a...
Hmmm, must be angles of the charge.....but still, even 5 wide saurus are better then TG's at taking down hordes...Ill fix :D
Umm, My friend is taking it, a behemoth (eek!) AND A PLAGUE FURNACE! 150 points for unbreakable, artillary number of str 5 hits, toughness test...
Thanks! I guess I was just a little tired after the school day....Ill change the saurus' stuff now :D Ill keep it at 5 frontage, for this...
hmmm...Damnit, this is what i get for not checking it over twice....Fixing!
will edit! Thanks! :D
I forgot to mention its MR 2, AND since theres a character on top, after the first round of combat the furnace will be moved into combat...ALSO!...
Temple Guard The unit: The Easiest thing to compare a unit of temple guard to is a brick wall, the unit has a 2+ save in close combat, high ld,...
well, It's really only units, Im going fo a kinda UnderEmpire Unit breakdown, all in one thread so that we dont have to do linkies :D (If you...
Posting furnace rules now makes unit unbreakable, 7 PM attacks from crew, censer bearing priest on top attacks and his gas goes off 2, the thing...
Strewart is right, with the addition of Revered_Guardians patented skink trap
So far Ive never had them flee, they fight to the death! Theyve crushed units all by themselves, units costing double theres (plaguemonk slaying...
This is exactly why I want to make the Faq....its not that hard so I cant get it wrong...AND Im going to prove just HOW good tg without slaan...
I really want to do it, Ill add it to my other thread afterwards....It'll be up sometime tommorow :D
I LOVE my tempies without slaan! Since they are not shielding him, I can take on a much more aggressive role! These guys can fight even with chaos...
Rare! (to be filled as faq's appear)
Heroes and lords! Scar-Vet (thanks celtic!) The scar-vet is the lizardmen choice for a combat hero. He is one of the best heroes at this point in...
Special! Cold one cavalry-Baratok! Classified as heavy cavalry in the warhammer world, Cold One Cavalry are among the hardest hitting MV7...
Dont get mad at me mods :D , but this thread should be stickied, I noticed the others falling behind in the thread...and it was all cluttered! So...