Server name: Xlcontiqu Army you plan to play: Wood Elves Time zone: Pacific
LO Battle League Rules and Registration First of all, I would just like a formal registration from everyone to allow me to figure out exactly how...
Part 2: The Stumbling Stegadon The Lizardmen line moved forwards, the Stegadon stumbling and failing to contact the Dragon Princes. Missed by an...
Very similar to the list I run, and very solid. I would advise to try and find some points to take a Scar-Vet. They really add some punch to the...
Dark Elves are pretty close to Tier 1. They lost some of their ability, but overall they are still up there. They can field an army strong in...
Hello fellow Lustrians! After a discussion with a couple of other forum members, I have decided that there might be some interest in an online...
I have finally gotten around to posting fluff about my army. It can be found here and will probably be added too as time passes. I should have...
The world is changing Lord Xlcontiqu and your time for action comes once again. A new temple-city must be built and the magical mists of Albion...
I am in the camp of it not stacking. If your hero has heavy armour and then is given a magical set of heavy armour, his armour save does not go...
Great report! Glad to see a Skink army doing so well. I notice that you run your Skrox unit is ranks of six. What does this offer as opposed to...
Hexec was willing to follow the group. Neither way particularly stood out to him, so his judgement would not help.
I would not mind joining either. I seems that I completely fail at getting anything ever painted, so I think this would be a good way to get some...
No, -1 to Hit means that if you normally hit on a 4+ you would then hit on a 5+. So your first conclusion was correct.
It gives a 1+ Ward Save against all spells that allow Ward Saves. However, this does not translate to units or characters that have magical...
Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update* No Rest For the Weary: The Saurus Shuffle Gets Upgraded Lord Xlcontiqu sighed, it appeared that...
Hexec was all for going to the left. As long as it got him out of this cave. Plus, Ilok was the mage. He had a sense for these things.
Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update* Epilogue: An Ode to the Lone Slann Time to do a little list evaluation and give some...
Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update* Part 2: Do the Saurus Shuffle! The Brettonnians looked down their lances and charged. The...
That is why I have really switched to playing a cheap Slann. Mine runs a little over the base cost and that way, if he dies, I can at least try to...
I run a lone Slann in all my games. I run him with Lore of Light and have run both a low-cost build and high-cost build. Ideally, I would give him...