5 spots left, so anyone still wanting to join, send in your character!
Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update* Part 1: How many "a"s in Waaaagh!? The Orcs and Goblins won the roll-off for first turn and his...
I use a regular Stegadon. No reason really, but the lower costs makes it better in my opinion. You still have Toughness 6, so he can handle fire...
Yeah, you can PM me the gear.
We will use an online random dice generator, and you will have to post your rolls here. Seven spots left everyone so sign up quick!
Honestly, I am finding that running a Slann BSB, with nothing but Higher State of Consciousness to be very effective. The great thing about him,...
Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update* Lord Xlcontiqu look out upon the veritable sea of green across from him. This battle would be a...
Looks very solid, to be honest. Changes I would suggest is dropping one of the Stegadon Ancients for a couple Salamanders and a unit of Terradons....
I marked my targets by breaking their names into two parts and then adding those to my post somehow. It was a little tough to incorporate, but...
It looks very good. Not much I would do to change it, looks quite solid. I would almost maybe go with terradons just because of their high...
Welcome everyone to the first Arena of Death! The Arena of Death is a place where heroes are made and destroyed. An area where the best champions...
I agree. It might help get some good answers for Lizardmen out. TWF did something similar and I think theirs is coming along nicely.
Shield of the Mirrored Pool only blocks magic missiles, so direct damage spells and normal missiles are still effective against the Terradons.
I run two blocks of twenty in my 2500 list, but I think I am going to switch it to three blocks of twenty.
Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update* I think that the ladies do have a better board position at this point, but without any magic...
Great job! You had quite some luck with the Hydra, though you had a very solid plan and executed it well. I feel that he definitely was too...
Hexec, seeing Huaroc's blowgun being uneffective, immediately reached back and unsheathed a javelin. The statue spotted him and started to charge....
Speed of Light is not a remains in play, so it cannot be dispelled. It last until the Slann's next Magic Phase. So protection and a higher combat...
I honestly prefer Light over Life. Life has nothing with the exception of Regrowth, that can stop all the initiative based spells flying around....
I run Lore of Light on my Slann and I run hand weapon shield Saurus and am loving them. I find that the 6+ ward is very helpful in keeping your...