(Are you guys talking about me? I sighned in. I'll a said was "And my bow" but the counts anyway right? At least I'm in! Thanks! )
Ok, I am not trying to beg for stuff, but, if you feel in the mood for giving this Christmas, have mercy on me! I am not complaining but all I...
Ok thanks.
Conwar here, reporting for duty! I volunteer to sleep while some-one else takes the watch! I am lieutenant and I carry a pistol and a sword....
Thanks guys! I don't have an army book yet myself. :jawdrop: I was using my friend's book. I wasn't sure what edition army book it was but he says...
Do you have to have a Slann Mage in your army to take a temple guard unit? I can't find this in the rule book. (I am using 5th edition.)
This is most likely a stupid question, but can I change my display name? I can other sites, I was just wondering if that can be done here as well....
And my bow. :D
Re: posting images What is the image location?
Here is a picture of my Saurus unit's champion!
Yes, one wound off the skink priest would only give victory points half the priest's points, not half of the entire stegadon.
Me and my two brothers are doing a 250 point warbands campaign using the 7th edition rules. Our first battle was between my lizardmen and my...
Thanks for all the help! This is a great site :). I will be sure to post pics of my models when the are done! P.S. Ya, now I understand the...
Thanks for the advise! I am using a program called army builder to create my army list, and it doesn't take some rules into account. :S Here is my...
I am new to Lizardmen and Warhammer. I just started making a 550 point army list, if 550 is possible. Do you think the hero is to maxed out? Any...