I play skaven, lizardmen and ogres. At 1500 points its not unusual to see maybe 2 cannons or a cannon and a doom wheel both magical, 2-3 weapons...
no point taking ethereal as almost all skaven missile weapons teams and warmachines are warpstone weapons meaning they are magical.
Pg number and reference?
indeed i missed that one from another list and was looking at a large allotment. Army list 2 looks something very similar to what i run my temple...
ive just noticed that all three of your lists appear to be under the 25% for core List 1 core choice 40 Saurus FC 470 means your 130 short List 2...
My understanding was that TK archers always hit on a 5+ which cant be modified. i did wonder about a second skink priest but as im already at 418...
No comments of critic must mean im on the right track ?
the bonus of throne of vines is not lost if someone dispels it.
I do occasionally run an old blood with the armour of destiny of destiny the piranha blade and bane head in order to go head to head with...
personally im not a fan of spear saurus paying 1 point to get at most an extra 7 attacks (i always frun seven wide) doesnt seem to be worth losing...
plus magic shields do not get parry saves pg 174
This first list is a magic light army which im contemplating for TK and Vampire players who have been giving me headaches lately where as the...
Decided i'd play around with a solo slann list Slann mage Priest 460 pts Higher State of Conc Unfathomable BSB - War banner Divine Plaque Cupped...
me too
personally i like groups of 21 i tend to go with 7 wide 3 deep to capitalise of the diagonals when facing the more common 5 wide 4 deep in my...
yep im feeling 2 x 10 of the skirmishers, with light having such low casting values im likely to be using 1-2 dice from my pool for each spell...
Everything you ever do with be subject to things going right. tbh 18 ogres at WS1 with getting hit by multiple units is not much of a problem at...
Awesome work new to lizzies my self and seeing what you can do has blown my mind, a few pages ago you mentioned that you were short on blowpipes...
with light spells having such low casting values and my slann having a ready access of free dice i thought id have power dice to spare but you may...
No magic shield allows a parry save im afraid.