I agree Spiney. That is the first thing I thought of. I don't know what the cost of the channel gift is but I'd guess around 30. That plus the...
Re: 8th Ed Lizardmen Rumor Army Breakdown (Our Book) --> :beaver: (<--- The Guy Who Wrote It) Just kidding, I think we should be alright. I...
Re: 8th Ed Lizardmen Rumor Army Breakdown I can neither confirm nor deny that. I will say the three Xs were intentional =(.
Re: 8th Ed Lizardmen Rumor Army Breakdown Added some info. Thanks dudes! -Div
Also, does anyone know what the Divining Rod does? -Div
I have compiled a rumor summary here: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/8th-ed-lizardmen-rumor-army-breakdown-updated.12188/ I hope it is...
I have compiled all the info I can find into an army list format. I have removed the points costs for now, I'm sure you can find them. If a mod...
Couple quick questions as I fill this out.... Regular Stegadon cost? Upgrade costs? Temple Guard cost? Are both types of Bastiladons the same...
Thanks stormtruperTK41! I'm attempting to compile a complete army list like they did over at Ulthuan.net for the HE release. If I get it done...
Do we know the cost of the Engine upgrade on the Ancient Steg?
Multiple Small Units! (I like "Mostly Skinks United")
I'd LOVE to get some of these dice if anyone makes some more!
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07] GCPD, thanks for consolidating all the info! -Div
Wow... so much to take in. Everything looks really well done, your painting skills are excellent. The color on the belly / underside of the...
Sorry for the late response! I was busy training and running this =) Thanks for the compliments. I've been working on various side projects and...
That video is so good. Super inspired. Keep it up. Oh and your miniatures look great!
Thanks everyone for the compliments! @ Old Mossy - The stones are cork tiles cut up. @ Saurus - Thanks dude! I love my slann as well =). I've...
Re: Dark Muddy Yet Shinny Lizards - Update: Salemander Finished! Excellent work. I love the dark feeling of this army.
Re: The army of Tsunami (WIP stegadon 31/8-2011) Loving the color scheme in this army. Keep up the good work.
Finally took some pics of the second completed Saurus block: [attach] I've started to go back and clean up stuff now that I have some free time...