Well, with 1 day left to spare, I'm finally done: [attach] I won't have time to fix up the horns because now I have to start packing for my move...
Great suggestions. I'll hopefully be finishing the army this weekend and will have a few days to experiment. Thanks! -Div
Yes! I totally forgot about washes (doh!) Bleached bone + Devlin Mud wash would be a much better base to start with I'd think. Most likely will...
This is what I do: Base Scorched Brown. Medium line Scorched + Bleached Bone from base to tip. Thin line of bleached bone over that line. Thin...
Thanks Lord Tsunami! You aren't the first one to question the style of the horns. I originally tried regular bone colored horns but I felt that...
Thanks guys! muffin, I love your avatar. 2nd Stegadon complete: [attach] Decided to stick with white for the feathers (thanks Rokanos!). I...
Another small update: [attach] The howda is done now. Time to paint the crew tonight! Question: What color should I make the feathers on the...
Thanks everyone. Second steg is almost complete and then I only have a handful of Saurus to finish for my 2500 tournament this month. @ lustria...
Terradons! [attach] Note: They aren't quite THAT neon. It was overcast and my pic was really dark so I had to lighten it up. Thanks for looking!...
Totally agree with you. I shall do it!
Wow, it has been a long time. Too much hammerin' and not enough painting! Anyways, here is a few pics of my first completed Terradon! I have...
Thanks SeBM, here's the info: The skin: Pretty much went from <black + ice blue + shadow grey> up to <ice blue + shadow grey + white>. Just start...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(Couple of Cold Ones) Good work on the cavalry. And yes, that table is seriously epic.
Thanks everyone =). The tri-force was semi accidental. I was looking for something to mimic from the various lizardmen icons and found it on one...
Thanks to everyone! And don't worry, my Slann idea isn't exactly original either. Pixelsponge (on this forum) is a friend of mine and did...
I dig your color scheme and painting skill. I'm sad to hear you'll be selling them! However... I'm pretty much on the exact same plan! I've...
I'm not terribly fond of the basing (could be the lighting) but the painting is ace! Keep up the good work!
@Didymus - =D @Rokanos - Thanks! I used Fortress Gray, washed with Delvin Mud and highlighted with Fortress Gray for the stone.
Thanks a lot. All these kind words keep me going! Howdas take forever to paint!!! Here is an updated pic of the ancient: [attach]
@DeathFrisbee - Thanks! The bases have worked out great. @Nirous - Thanks a lot! I was so stoked to win that trophy. There were some other great...