While I love my stegadons, I feel like unless you have 2 or lore of life, they usually go down really fast. I'd most definitely drop him for...
Thanks for the compliments, they inspire me to keep on painting! Yes, that is the priest from the stegadon. He has a really fun pose. Here is...
Thanks ! I see the Lizardmen as "holy warriors" of some sort and I think white is the perfect color for that. I've finished my 1k list for...
Wow, at first I was not a fan of the green / blue color combination but you have made it look great. Good work! Keep it up!
Looking good! I was thinking of using a similar color for my saurus. Looking forward for more updates!
Great looking minis! I'll admit that I'm not too fond of the red eyes but the rest looks ace. Keep it up!
Great work for a first mini! Keep at it and remember that washes are the greatest thing ever created! I'd suggest taking your pictures a little...
Re: 20,000k list Holy godzilla! That is a mighty fine collection. For the pics, use the "pic" tag around those links. -T
Haha, thanks!!! Got a quick couple shots off before I lost the sun on the Old Blood: [attach] [attach] Super proud of that guy, can't wait to...
I'm glad you guys liked the salamander! I've been doing a lot of work but not taking very many pictures. Here is another small update. Sorry for...
Thanks a lot everyone! The more I read, the more I get motivated to paint! Unfortunately, I've been paint the bastard children of Chaos...
Amazing army you have there. Looks like it took a good amount of work and it really shows. You have some great conversions and the army sits...
EDIT: Would a mod mind moving this up to the painting log section? I didn't even see it up there. Thanks! Thanks a lot! More stuff! WIP Saurus...
Wow, thanks everyone. Here are some new things I have been working on: Skinks / Chams: [attach] Scar Vet: [attach] Thanks for all the kind...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 1/4 Really cool stuff in here. Keep up the good work.
Wow, thanks for all the kind words! I really do appreciate it. The Saurus were really hard to figure out. Had to sacrifice a few before I got it...
Hello all, I posted here a while back when I first started painting my Lizard army. Unfortunately, the release of the new Beastmen book drew my...
I didn't mean to hijack this thread, sorry mate! I'll get my own thread going once I get this thing painted. Wheels were really hard to find as...
I think this is a very good idea. So good, that I have already done it.... I can't take credit for the idea (ref my super genius battle brother...
I didn't use magnets to make the howda customizable but I did use magnets to magnetize the howda to the stegadon =). Kind of off topic, sry!