Will of the Old Ones.... =)
Re: Div's Lizards! (Updated with clear pics) Finished the last 2 skinks and the rear portion of the howda! [attach] Here is a "group" shot of...
Re: Div's Lizards! New CLEAR pictures! [attach] [attach]
Re: Div's Lizards! Yeah, I'm going with a "no-metal" theme. I'd like to think that the lizards only have access to things like stone / bones /...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy Cool stuff, can't wait to see more!
Yes, add in the wardrums (can always march) and you have one annoyingly mobile engine of the gods!
Nope. Although, you shouldn't take them unless you do =).
I just started using a skink chief on terradon with dagger of soteck + blood statuette. I like him for the following reasons: 1) Cheap! About...
Re: Div's Lizards! Blurry pic update (gf still has the camera hidden from me somewhere): [attach]
(link to fellow gamer) (link to fellow gamer) (link to fellow gamer) (link to fellow gamer) (link to fellow gamer) Amazing stuff! Keep it coming!
Re: Div's Lizards! Of course, I am flattered that you would want to! =) It was Hawk Turquoise and Scorpion Green, both highlighted up with white....
So amazing... your work is inspiring! Keep up the great work! Do you have any other armies you have worked on?
Re: Div's Lizards! Picked up some cork tiles from a craft store and have spent the majority of my days chopping them up into little bricks....
Re: Div's Lizards! Haha, no he isn't photo shopped! No air brushing either =) I think it is the "temple" ground that he is standing on that...
Hello fellow generals! After finishing my 2250 army of wood elves, I have started on my lustrian friends. Here is the stegadon and a test skink...
I know I've seen this answer somewhere but search has failed me.... Can the Diadem of Power be used to convert only the wizards generated power...
Only things I could think you would get hit for would be: 1) 2 Terror Causers 2) Lord has ... 1+ (?) save and 5+ ward. Some comp systems I have...
Hi there! Thanks for the suggestions! I played this list last weekend against some of my local gamers and found out a lot about the list that I...
Hello there! So I've been lurking for a few months now (mostly in the painting forum) but the time has come for me to put away my lovely wood...