Oh, and every army should have an apocalypse weapon for around 75 pts, something like our blade of realities, or the TK's destroyer of eternities.
I'm thinking maybe there should only be race-specific items, but some like the armour of silvered steel (sucks for lizzies, rocks for all others),...
I recently bought the SoM book, and have decided that the chaos war mammoth has possibly the coolest rules I've ever seen. There are two problems...
Hello! Me again! This is a new account, but I'm still the guy who wrote this thread. Anyhoo... Teclis is definitely scary, and I don't know...
It's ok sammy the squib, you were doing something necessary. I wondered what the hell that guy was doing. Sorry to drag this discussion off...
Hey strewart! You may remember me as that guy who always argues with you! It seems that my whole account and all my posts were deleted. If I did...