isa is in lads
not dead. they just cannot be used by us. they are still useable by empire, WE, Dawi, and some others. there is a site out there but i am not sure...
You killed me right off. how was i supposed to be harrased? you just was setting me up because i jumped out of a barrel. you're just jelous and...
HAHAHAHAHA, to watch you guys rip each other apart was hilarious. Donna kill ma thi' time!! :D
they are quite useful if they chare elite units in the flank. if you assume 15 chaos warriors, tthat is 6 attacks. you are already up 3 ranks,...
*a ghostly shape rises out of the mist* DO SOMETHIN' YA WEE BAG O" FOOLS. GET IT OVA WITH
Strewart, i use dice the excat opposite. i still use the 10 that came with BFSP and never use anyoneelse's. this has served me so well that i...
i read wrong.Yet i still do not believe that he should have received the award. it is true that he has come in with more prmises but yet has not...
False. the idea tyhat any politican can deliver 100% is a one hundred percent piece of..... (well i would rather not get booted off the site). if...
He did nothing. the europeans gave it to him because now the US has a president that they like, that was the only reason.
Something tells me that it will be as bad to put together as the scraplauncher *shudders*
But what do berserker saurus include, magic banners, items, what?
i have indeed tried to use TG as flankers, they got hit in the flank by a unit of marauder horse men and broke. these are terrible as...
16 skinks with 2 kroxigors is my favorite flanking unit. 3 ranks, size, flank and 6 str 6 hits. this will mess up any unit and at movement 6 it...
I can many other players complaning same about the new lizardmen book when it came out. "saurus get 2 attacks from spears!?!" "you can't dispell...
The idea was to say that it is harder to get used to redirecting with skirmishers. i do agree with you about using skirmisher ot redirect. i now...
Since ya donna be able ta read da previous pos'. DIS I' DAVY JONES LOCKER. i was bord an wanted to continue da ro' playin' sos i created dis here...
*bows* thank you, thank you. i actually brought this one to my store owner. this guy was the one who set me straight.
Skrox units are the best things that i have in my army. a unit of 16 skinks and 2 kroxigors have ripped apart units. the other game i played...
Think of it this way, you are deflecting the magic of the attack, but the mundane cannonball, bullet, arrow etc, still hits hits.