I think the spirit of the rule was that because there are not likly to be neat rows of guyd in combat, that you would not want to fire at a unit...
From long long ago we talked about these spells not being cast into combat. To answer your question about the reason for making magic missles....
There is only one thing that my oppnents call chesse on, Cold Blooded.
Our play style is that if it isn't in the RB then you can't do it. it saves alot of Arguments were people argue "but it dosent say i can't do this!"
I dont think that you can cast eithe rof the Lightning bolts into combat. Unless the descrition say that the spell can be cast into combat i don't...
Ah, i see. good man.
This is the thread for people who have died in Scum and villany. Nothing is to be said about the game going on. This is just a place to continue...
you can screen a large target? :jawdrop: you must tell me how .
*sets aside the pipes* i do be having some. watchin' skinny elves attemptin' what they do believe to be a dance i'tiring work. EDIT: spelling/Brogue
*mumbles around the chanter ...and neither is your head. *out loud ...haha your a very funny elf.
OOC: You try typing in a scottish brogue!!!
Who do be actin' spuspicous? I jus wanna bit o' scotch. there donna be nothin' for me ta do so if nonaya mind, i think il be playin a wee bit o'...
Having Stowed away, i finally break free of tha wee barrel i been sittin' in. i do now be participating in tha game. me kilt do be tattereted an'...
' tis monday evnin here, but i'll join in.
To 'ell wid tha lurkers. keep runnin' the thread.
The new book isn't out yet asrodrig. my friend is waiting for it, and so is my gaming group, he plays daemons
People, canya choose ?!
It happened with both my friends dwarf books, my friend's O&G book, and my L book aint to far off from losing my magic items section.
Slannesh is immune to fear, terror, and panic, not ItP. i if you don't want to lose wulfrik the lose a sorcerer, you have too many charecter...