This is going to be a 1500 pt tourney at my local gaming store. I would love some advice on this list. it is based of the mitten tactics by...
MoK gives frenzy right? if so then get rid of it. you don't need your army being pulled away by redirectors because you have frenzy. Slannesh...
I Got into it around last december. started by making my own army (not easy and not recomended). toyed with idea of playing dwarfs for a while. i...
This game is already too slow for my taste, but i'd prefer no' be left wit' you all dead, so please try to kill tha right 'un please.
Re: Saurus Scar-Vet Tactica (updated 9/3/09) ok, so i'm a terrible person for putting this off for so long. i have lost a bit of intrest in my...
Have people had luck painting furs? I have seen a couple people who have painted the Skaven fur on their scar-vet and was wondering how people do...
since that didna work las' time why hot try killin' the most active. 'sspecially the one who tried to prove that killin lurkers was a good idea.
Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica I have never used a mounted Scar-vet before so was the reason that i posted foot sloggers first. unfortunatly work has...
Oh, he is one of those surfing fans you talk about. just hit one of the Dwarf fourums and look for boldo. you will find him. so far he has been...
If you like what you paint then it aint too much of a problem. This i am just figuring out, unfourtunatly not with lizards.
As the index seems to be dying off I will try to revive it. This tactica will be set up a bit differently because each different build has a...
good list, lose the champs. not worth it. you are paying a full sarurs for +1 attack. it will save you some points for a War banner for your CoK....
that is amazing my friend. good job.
the entire reason i will never take a Frenzied unit. didn't think of using them on marauder horsemen, i might have to try that.
Word is that ogres will not be done this edition. this is coming for a reliable source, the manager of the local GW endorsed store.
used to think that the S/krox units were terrible, but in my last game against VC a unit of 16skinks 2 krox took out a unit of 10 dread knights....
i'm doing a builder's list. if you search the obscure records of 6th edition, or were around way back when, you'll find that the lizardmen set up...
Rickey, you were close with the AS that he gets with his heros, the lowest he can get it is -1 save, not pretty. but it is also a waste of points....
*headslap* sigh, oh dear
i've been tempted to buy my Store owner's th edition, but i hated the the sarus. i am going to have to steal your idea. this is an amazing model.