Barotok, i think they are say that it is such a good item that should always be taken. i have never used myself, but i know the fear of Chaos...
Yes they are flammable, but that it not your best option. you need to take a terror test, thenyou have 4 attacks which hit on 3's then wound on...
Re: Skink Skirmisher FAQ and Index which is why i attempted to to follow Snowywlf's form when i wrote mine, can't please everyone....
Re: Skink Skirmisher FAQ and Index Somehow i know i should feel happy that everyone wants to correct my spelling and grammer but.... i guess it...
Tree men are not characters, they take up a rare slot. they only become characters if they upgrade to that. And to answer the question no, once...
Re: Skink Skirmisher FAQ and Index be my guest, it was 10 Pm and i had to deal with the scrolly page of doom. EDIT: Done and Done
Well i might as well add my contribution to this site-wide Index so with out further ado i present to you: Skink Skirmishers Role Screen -...
Yes they are, which makes the beast cowers a mighty fun spell :D
it is only good against against Treeman like you said, but that is such a point sink for them that it vastly cripples their army, and also the...
Soooooo true :D my friend plays them and you summed up his strategy. A good combo is to take 5 maradur khorne horesman and give them flails i...
may i recomend a site clock for this game, posibly based off of grenich, but ya im in EDIT: unfortuantly i will be gone from Aug 1-15. im off to...
i would like to say, do not take fire lore! he has two units in his army that are flammable, if that is what you are going for it is not worth it....
i would go with shadows myself. Steed of shadows-works great w/ Jsod, if you dont have one it helps keep one of your priests out of trouble....
i can vouch for shadow steed of shadows- very nice with a Jsod magic missle, no armor save- good by dragon princes crown of taidron- one spell...
i think that we would also have to take into consideration; moving and shooting, and long range. useing your basic formula, i would say take each...
If you are not making a tounament list i would recomend using a list you have not used before. in my last game, i decided to try a JSOD, the skink...
There are comments in the quote, which i never preveiwed, sorry. i never called you stupid, please no put words into my mouth. Is it jaut me or...
Putting salamanders in the center of the army leads to many fun possibilities. last game with WoC they took two banners as well as killing a...
the game that is related to GW in only name. so, how do people like the game? I am tempted to start an army as it costs about a third of what my...