Sorry you missunderstood me, i said that if it was needed to test charecters, and other variables, that that it could be done, but that it should...
Yes, it is more glue then you ever want to see in one place in any given time, i'll post a couple of pics eventually(i hate my paint job)
Borotok, good idea, but you would need to test more than just humans. here is what i can do to help with this problem you are creating. 1) choose...
In New York in the spring is like no other weather that i can descrige. if you dont like it , wait ten minutes and it will change. today we had...
*Twitch, twitch* i understood very little of what was just said in the last 3 posts. all i can say is that i am glad i am going into construction....
Re: 300 point club - May Submissions due by June 7th! well this will be my first month with a unit of sarus(with a spear/shield conversion), and...
If your book allows for DoW in it, then you can use them in tournies. otherwise keep them in friendly games. this is the rule that the owner of...
you need to get rif of your point values. GW laws dont allow it. advice wise i would say...... get some salamanders. while the auto-panic won't...
Hmmm, i assume 6th edition rules? the foot of Gork template gave it away
True enough, but remember that Chakax is the leader of ONE temple city. he is the star chamber guardian. there is one of these in every temple...
I did not ask who is the better commander. i also challange that they have no independent thought. i would say that they have a very prominent...
Then the attack should be made during the shooting phase of turn, not the magic
Murphy's law
so who is higher on the chain of command as far as Lizzies go? i am not quite sure myself, if i knew nothing about Lizardmen and just look at the...
Ok, so people keep taliking about haveing good bases. the only ones that see on this sight seem to be some form of grass on rocks. i would love to...
I wold agree, the green lizards are lokking great. i, unfortunatly cannot seem to be able to paint a green skink to save my life. meh i like my...
ah sorry, i did not understand you, pictures make evrything better.
if you notice i seem to specialive in "out there". once i figure out how to post pictures, i will start posting some.
taking very hot metal and hitting it with a 3 pound hammer. What else? :D
You do know that the "enemy on the way" rule was 6th edition, not 7th, right? Or are you talking about the pursuit into a fesh enemy? the way you...