Nice work there, well I know someone's skinks are going to need sleeping pills before bed with a pair of Solardons in around.
With Stegadons maybe go with Aggron?
Nice. I wonder what it would look like with a Troglodon head?
Yeah that would be nice, I always like to see a good Carni.
May we see these sketches?
Well we already know that skinks are usually going to die against anything they shoot at beacuse what else are you going to use poioned (from what...
Well don't put it past GW I've seen them do stupid rulings like that before in 40k with tyranids for no other reason than "because you can't".
Interesting, thanks for the info so far. I'm a bit worried about large tar pits and spellcasters how would you recomend I deal with that either...
Maybe use some fake flowers to mimic venusaur more closely?...
Re: First Lizard I'm not a fan of blue lizardmen but with the work you've done here on the gold, it really makes it look good and much better...
Nice work there, I like the shades of grey and when do you think we'll see pics of your new project?
I would say it is a shooting attack and as such you cannot delcare units locked in CC to be valid targets but as everyone agrees without the FAQ...
True but skirmishers throw out twice as many shots with blowguns.
I don't know I think alot of the art isn't half bad also did anyone notice the ruins in the back of the pics on pages 64, 65 and 67?
I would think the Solardon would also be useful for dealing with armies with a high model count such as skaven.
I was was wondering how my 1500pt list would preform when dealing with other WH armies and what should I look out for? Lord Oldblood on...
Well I know he has arachnos, shamans for sure but I don't know what these units weaknesses of as of right now
Hello I'm new to Warhammer fantasy and I have friend who wants me to play against him (he plays night goblins) sometime, I was wondering what...