So we have friendly games quite a bit all different ranges 500-2000pts to try to get other people intreseted in the glorious game of warhammer. (...
its just how you painted it haha threw me off haha cheers
What shield is that and I love the paint job
well my fellow lustrians the lizards was victorious but not without a few casualties. I shall post the battle report when I have time, along with...
Indeeed tonight the lizards March til dawn then the battle shall begin (I shall post in battle reports)
I do indeeed have a level 1 priest. So yeah that's a rough plan... Maybe some wicked rolls on magic and I might turn the table. I feel the top...
Probably the steg would do into normal boys to try kill as many as possible with his shaman in it probably. Then skinks whittle down the savage as...
Well his warboss will be mounted I believe so could be with the orc boar boys .... So tough one
Ah I will make amends to that. probably gamblers armour? and a reroll?
Welcome Friend... Share and listenign to yours and others findings, post your armies glorious scale shcemes and enjoy this lovely bunch of...
welcome fellow supporter! I agree what was they thinking. Well anyway welcome to the fourms and hope to see your lovely posts.
I'm playing my brother tomorrow, just a friendly so he can test his orcs out. Its a 1500pt game, He is bring : 1 orc warboss (unknown magic...
Too a low point game to take the slann. If have him take tettoeko or couple skunk preists. 15 saurus isn't going to last long either....
and links or videos on how to roughly use it?
[MEDIA] This is my song I play when we deploy.
Making lizards smell nice :D
I actually used your work as inspiration I love the fact you based it on your own gecko and the underbelly you did was amazing on your priest ....
Yes this seems to be the problem I'm thinking like a metal plate with them glued to or kit bash them to fit I'll have to play around with it.
I have a thing for green I tried steering away from it... But It pulls me back in.. green is the way..
So maybe brentonia way for lizardmen? You think?