now all i have to do is decide which out the hundreds of choices to paint.... the hard part....
I didn't even know what that was for I have it in my ultimate paint set, I may give that a go. Thanks again :D
never heard of it I shall look into it. I was going to use it for standard troops haha, and use the free hand ideas of the dots. and I have a...
thank you, they look so much better then the LMCO. I bet he will look amazing when you unleash your paintbrush skills on him.
Anyone think we will see updated models? (our bulky non scary CO) or new models? if so what sort of model would you like to see? I would like to...
Sneak peek time. I have brought a tank to the table, a monster terrified by all! My magnetised STEGADON! [img] Everything is magnetised so i can...
well yet again hard to get time to paint or anything work hours at the moment, yet my motivation to push myself to do it. I have been playing with...
I looked into wet blending, as I would like to give it ago for my idea on my skinks, I'm hoping to go for the day gecko look, for the belly I'm...
I cannot resist like you my friend.... For the age of war... Is beginging although problamic is who do I pick the greenskins and vampire top 2...
I know the feeling the graphics look amazing. And the gameplay yet it's only alpha imagine what it will be like when polished
Your thoughts? are you getting it? and have you been watching them very sexy trailers? shame lizardmen aren't a starting fraction hope next dlc is...
i know what you mean ours are too chunky and don't look menacing or terrifying at all.... DE cold ones for all my riders. Regarding the colour...
[img] And the cold ones are complete now to find a colour scheme for my saurus....
Said I would try to be more active... but time and life itself proves me wrong, but i have an update! so here with out further a do more progress...
Miniwargaming anyone?
Well failing that we also have total warhammer. But I will make a league no matter what my brother is going to join. And few other hopefully. And...
I'd also be happy to record/stream live games
We could set up leagues on platforms and post all in the same thread an compare leagues etc. Maybe even have like er medal system for like...
I'm a pc man myself. Can't wait to get my kult kai lizardmen team back in action
Dinosaur survival game on pc. It's awesome :D