anyone getting it or pre ordering it? maybe our forum could set up its own league??
does anyone play ark survival evolved if so what do you think? and share the pics of what you have :D
[img] Heres stage one basecoated with kabalite green.Then the scales as you can see are different they was a mix with kabalite green and...
The 8th edition cultists shall prevall!
I've been busy for a while now... An I hate not having the time to get to paint and show it. But I'm back I have time now I'm all moved in. And...
I think I'll stick with playing the 8th edition rules... As broken as some are... It seems more easier an fun than this lump of random rules that...
love the detail,the scales really make them stand out
You sir.... Put mine to shame.... It is amazing I love the basing
gentlemen he is now in the fine arts. thank you very much, i would do something with it but its now officially done maybe my next one :D. AND...
So gives me great pleasure in being first to post onto this thread of the fine arts gallery and to be recommended to. So here he is without...
I will do that I think when I get the next batch done I will upload him to there thank you
Thank you , yeah can be a sod to beat I was very lucky in first magic phase that he deployed so close I called the comet it got a radious and 12...
He's fun to paint and awesome on the battlefield and I'm glad I given you motivation. Good luck
Yeah I agree I'm not a fan of the plastic stem I was going to try an attach it to a tree maybe next time. And I'm working on my core now so some...
Sorry my Army blog hasn't been active in a while i have had alot of work among other things going on. I did however manage to get one of my heroes...
Razordons are not worth the points. And the old blood is too expensive migt as well get a cowboy instead. This is only what I have learnt from...
Re: So The Army Begins.... I'm Back as I said I have been busy with work among other things, although I have been working on some projects and...
I think that's not a bad idea to do with leftover bits, but I have mixed feelings about them I don't know why, but otherwise nice job dude.
Re: So The Army Begins.... So I haven't had much time off recently, so hopefully ill be able to finish some more skinks off, I might post them...
Re: So The Army Begins.... Thank you, I've had mixed reviews/opinions on them but I like them too :D