is this a game or something
yesterday iplayed against my friend i had chakax with my unit i thought hed survive my friend brang archaon and challenged him he died in the...
with my experience terredons suck ide go with coldones there stuipidity isnt a big problem cause i always pass it
i cant rally decide an anwser but it seems so since i do all my fighting in the front
Re: Might start a Lizardmen army nice for my army i got a skink with engine of the gods saurus=20 saurus=15 skink=12 coldones=5 slann...
can a stegedon march or does it follow rules for a chariot
Re: My first lizardmen can u tell me the steps and paints u used
can dragon ogre shaggoths use great weopen
if i playing with my friend and he has archaon hiding in his knights and my stegedon comes charging hu do i hit archaon or the knights or do i...
forget about the chief on stegedon it will do noth9ng against warriors u need a priest and the saurus 19 u should get a block of 20 skinks and the...
r u gonna have any lords
wow it looks really gd for my gor rok conversion i had painted him skull white with a regal blue drybrush
im getting a warhammer table thx god :D and i just need to know the measurements for a warhammer table
Re: We Want Pics ill try im still looking for a cheap camera that can focus on small things any ones do u know of?
................................ that is the best stegadon head ive ever seen the horns are to me not splotchy but thats my opinion i think they...
yae i didnt really notice the introductions blog till now
hi im bob the balivinski
archaon i hate that guy wouldnt go all beserker over him be chicken hit him with magic i always use that to kill him but never worked my friend...
how do u use water effects i used the glue and then wat do i do do i paint over it or do i paint the base first then right over it