Oh and I promise the next thing I paint will be of the lizard variety :P
Hey @Theo that looks like a good start! I do like the colour scheme! The blue areas look like you have made good use of drybrushing to achieve...
That's a funky colour combination and looking great already.
Thanks very much! I am happy with the overall effect, the Blood Angel helmet took a while to get right but I think it contrasts nicely with the...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] So I think i'm finished with this guy now, i'm pretty happy with how he's turned out. Thoughts and criticisms always...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hello All! Once again I have been absent too long, just had my 30th birthday and have lots of new things to paint (or not as is...
I'm going to try for black tinted with blue and grey blue highlights I think, Black is hard work for me though so god knows how they'll turn out!
Been a while since I've put together space marines! Lovely models though, super chunky.
I voted before voting was cool
Finally put together and primed my Carnosaur Yesterday, man that is a beautiful kit and well designed too.
Hello all, I have ordered the new 40K boxset and i'm pretty psyched about it, I've not played 40k in a long while but I love the look of the...
Really great idea, also impressed by your painting schedule! I get bogged down and paint once in a blue moon.
Lots of high quality entries, very impressed! If this runs again next year I might manage an entry...
Lovely! I almost bought one of those despite my dislike of dwarves. Nice blend of firey colours.
I actually don't like the newer predator like models! That's why I went with classic ones. :p But yeah, inspired by real scorpions and their weird...
Going to hopefully do my striking scorpions in a similar style to the pic attached, I also want to paint them with invisible uv paint so they...
Great! Hope all goes well, having two has proved time consuming haha.
So yeah...I've not been very active for a while have I? Two good reasons for that being a new baby boy called Darwin and moving home, which has...
Good luck everyone, no time for painting with new baby and house move! I'll look forward to seeing all the amazing models.
That looks pretty dodgy to be honest. I tend to base in leathery browns and build up through copper colours for gold. It worked pretty well with...