Hello and welcome! Do you have any pictures of stuff you've previously painted? If not any ideas on a colour scheme you would like? Everyone...
Yeah that's not a bad idea, one of my spear guys has a jade headed weapon, I just wasn't sure how to get the right effect with the clunky hand...
That's fair enough, I don't have nearly enough time to paint, but won't let anyone else do it even if it is crap :p.
I've been looking forward to it, I was hoping for an end of 2016 release too. The main character gives me a Nariko vibe from heavenly sword.
I'm pretty sure that at your level you could be charging for commissions if that was something you fancied doing.
I certainly get what you're saying, but I like the green and it's my favourite colour. :D I also have the excuse that all the shields are made at...
Do you have an idea what colour you'd think suitable? I'm not putting more blue or orange on haha.
I've made contact with her via Facebook and she said she'd join up. :)
Welcome to Lustria! Looking really nice, like @SlaantaClause says the reds are really lovely. If I was to improve anything maybe the gold parts...
The painting quality is outstanding, her NMM is especially impressive... but it's a little too disco lizard for my tastes. :confused:
Couple of 'finished' and almost finished Saurus, over all I think the scheme will look pretty striking once there's a bunch of them.
Loving the golden beard, can't buy that quality.
Must be the power of voodoo...
Cheers! Yeah hopefully, the timing isn't great for me, but I'll try and get a couple of entries in. :)
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]I have now doubled productivity on Lizards, as you can see. At this rate I'll be done with a unit by Christmas....
I thought about big insect mounts or something, I'd like some skinks riding dragonflies the best.
That's a lot of goodies true enough, some very nicely painted too. :)
Ah so the Avatars of war saurians would count as the lizardman category and not the any other model? Interesting...
Although I might do some lipstick lizards just for you now. ;)
I beg to differ, always day, month, year for me. But whatever! lovely and unique colour scheme. :D