I was bored... A unit 3 wide has a front width of 75 For each degree of wheeling it must use 1.30899693899575 mm Compared to a unit 5 wide...
A character will get the 'look out sir' so long as it does not have a unit strength of 5 or more.
If you expect to lose 1-2 then why not field them as 5 wide with the additional 6th in the second rank? (worried about bolt throwers? That way...
Yes. The unit provides protection to almost all ranged attacks with the 'look out sir' rule. Maybe Not. If you are not worried about getting...
Remember if the Warriors of Chaos have a champion/character they will have to challenge you. Since you have spears you probably want as many...
It's more for the realism of a unit actually losing its banner, rather than another unit spawning a different banner, or your banner bearer...
Has anyone magnetised their banners? I was trying to choose which Cold One Cavalry banner I liked the best and I couldn't pick one. In the end I...
Awesome work! Thanks for sharing the photos, gives me a nice starting point to magnetising my own Stegs.
I would love to see pictures and I think many other people here would also! What I would like to see most is close ups of where you have placed...
I picked up my first batch of magnets today, Neodymium (rare earth magnets) 6mmx1.5mm. I am hoping to use them on each of my models bases but also...
I couldn't see if this link was posted anywhere else but here is a good video on how to magnetise a model, in this case a Carfnifex....
I just read the description: Key words being: “If the spell is reflected” and “resolved against the caster of the spell”
If I went down to my local Lustrian magical shield dealer and said I want a shield of the magic pool to ward off those magic missiles then went...
I always worry that when it comes time to assemble you will ruin the paint with glue or always have to retouch up bits, especially if things don't...
My bad! Just goes to show how often I use Temple Guard! ;) Fighting Lizardmen with Lizardmen sounds like a tough fight indeed!
I don't believe a normal unit champion can have any magical items.
Rules Army-wide Special Rules, Magic Lores, and Magic Items Ambush is no longer dependant on the General - for every unit laying in Ambush,...
Not that I know of. He did Magician and numerous other great books. Edit: I think I know what you mean. In the USA they apparently split Magician...
Discussions on tactics are always welcome. =)
I thought I would share this email voucher with you all. For an Australian resident this equates to just a little over 50% of Games Workshops RRP...